
This Website.

I coded this website from scratch using HTML and CSS (and just a little bit of Chat GPT). This website is intended to showcase my engineering and design work that I have accumulated throughout my time in college. I have gone through the design and iterate process, working with reviewers to improve and redesign my website. This has been a long process, but definitely a fun one.


Skills Used:

HTML CSS (& Bootstrap)

Differential Equation Modeling.

As part of differential equations, we were tasked with modeling populations and oscillators over time. Working with a group of 4 others, we used MATLAB to model the following objectives:

  • The population of a species with a mutualistic interaction over time
  • The population of a species with a negative natural birthrate, a population enhancing term, and a crowding effect using two different MATLAB solvers. The goal was to understand fixed vs. adaptive step solvers
  • The steady state of a forced damped oscillator over time
The graph on the left was produced using MATLAB in one of our labs to understand the position of an oscillator over time.


Skills Used:

MATLAB Differential Equations

Circuit Python.

Used python to code various circuits to perform different tasks such as simon says, rock paper scissors, and even imitate the frequency of a remote.

Skills Used:

Python Circuit Python Circuit Design